Mid-term break

Dear Children and Parents / Guardians,

Congratulations to everyone on a fantastic return to school over the last half-term and it is truly amazing that we have been back to school now for 9 weeks!

There have been lots of changes recently in terms of the government’s approach to dealing with Covid-19 and this brings with it undoubted stress on children, parents and the staff of the school. Everyone has been doing their best and ensuring there has been as low an impact on the children as possible and this is our continuing objective.

We hope next half-term will be as successful as this one and that things will continue to go as smoothly as possible given the circumstances. In preparation for the next part of the school year, the class teachers will be evaluating the groups within their classrooms and may make alterations to pods for when we return to school. It is envisaged this option will be there for after each school holiday in order to keep things as fresh as possible, promote integration between children and explore opportunities for the children to peer learn from one another. Over the mid-term there will be a deep clean of all the rooms and work areas to ensure they are ready for the children’s return.

Finally, I would like to thank all of the parents and guardians for their continued support over the last few months and both the staff and myself hope yourselves and the children enjoy the break for mid-term and come back rested for our next half-term on 2nd November.

Stay safe and see you all soon,
