Frequently Asked Questions

The school doors open at 08:30 each morning.
Classes begin at 08:40 am.

The school doors open at 08:30 each morning.
Classes begin at 08:40 am.

You can use your child’s homework diary to pass a message on to your child’s teacher. Alternatively, you can call or email the school and our secretary will inform the teacher.

You can call/email the school office, put a note in your child’s diary or update the absence reason on the Aladdin school app.

No. This is a lovely idea and comes from a very generous place however, there are many children in the school with medical considerations and allergies and therefore, this is not something we can accomodate. 

We have experienced considerable issues in the past which has caused upset and distress to children not invited to parties and the knock on effect this has had on the school day and behaviour. As a result, unfortunately we will not be able to facilitate any invitations being handed out during school.

Tyrrelstown ETNS does not want to accidentally and unfairly create a recommendation or ranking list of secondary schools in the area. Instead we feel it is important for parents to analyse each school they are considering and ensure they are happy with the schools ethos, policies and subject options for their children. 

Report cards are released to parents in June of each school year.

Parent/Teacher meetings typically take place in November of each year.

We do. Tyrrelstown ETNS currently facilitates a free packed lunch school meals programme. In order to facilitate hot school meals, ovens need to be installed in the school. Due to current building works we do not have any free rooms to store these ovens and therefore, we will be unable to provide hot meals until the building works have been completed.

To enrol your child, please see our enrolment policy and pre-enrol online by clicking here.

Our school calendar is available on this website here.

For unplanned/emergency closures, we notify parents by text as early as is practical. For this reason, it is very important to keep your contact details up to date. Please contact the school office to update your details or do so via the Aladdin app.

Yes. It is very important that we have your most up to date contact details in case we need to contact you in a hurry. It is also very important that we have up to date details for your emergency contact.

If any of your contact details change, please let the school office know or update them yourself via the Aladdin app.

Educate Together schools are

  1. Equality based
  2. Co-educational
  3. Child centred
  4. Democratically run

You can find out more about Educate Together schools by clicking here.