Art Week, Active Schools Week…

Everyone in TETNS is very busy this week making Art. Our Student Council came up with a very good idea to have an Art Week. All classes have been very busy being creative. Anne in Room 13 has been lending us her expertise, and this week sees many workshops and displays of children’s work.
On Friday, 17th June, we will have an Art Exhibition in the hall. It will be open to parents and other visitors from 12.00pm until 2.00pm.
Sol LeWitt is the artist whose work has been chosen as inspiration for this year’s Art Week.
June continues to be very busy next week, when we will have our Active Schools Week, finishing up with Sports Day on Friday, 24th of June (weather permitting).
Our PTA have organised an Ice Cream Funday in aid of Down Syndrome Ireland to coincide with Sports Day. This is a very worthy cause. All donations made on the day will be forwarded to DSI.