Update: 8th November 2018

Dear Parents & Guardians,

We were absolutely delighted to welcome back your children to school today and looking at many of their faces they were glad to be back.

We would like to extend our gratitude and thanks to you, the parents and guardians, on how everyone conducted themselves in such a calm and helpful manner, given the change of routine.

It was lovely to see children, parents and staff working hand in hand to adapt to the change in our circumstances and a real sense of community was evident for everyone to see.

Our thanks and gratitude also extend to the Gardai, Fingal Co. Co. and Bus Eireann for all their work in ensuring the children were transported safely to Hansfield ETSS.

A huge thanks to Principal Bernie Judge and all her staff at Hansfield ETSS for coming in over the mid-term break to set up their 2nd floor to accommodate the TETNS students. The school have given us such a warm welcome and have gone above and beyond in making us feel at home.

There has been a huge commitment from the staff here at TETNS to ensure the return to school for your children, in such unsettling circumstances, has had as little an impact on them as possible. The staff have worked tirelessly over the last week to make sure the children are organised onto buses, moved to new classrooms, designing colourful displays and much more. It is only in difficult times we find out the true measure of people and today it was clear to see how tall the staff at TETNS stood up for you and your children.

Going into tomorrow and the days to come, some parents have raised some queries and there are some items the staff would like you to consider. I would appreciate if everyone could be mindful of the following:

  • We are looking for a solution to bring back After School Clubs and hope to have more information on their return next week.
  • Could we please ask 1st to 6th Class parents to stand beside the school fencing when waiting for children. The staff found it difficult to maintain order with their class lines when the area gets over crowded. We want to do this to keep the children as safe as possible.
  • In case any child may get wet coming in to school due to rain etc., we would ask if you could bring in a change of clothes that could be kept at Hansfield ETSS in the unlikely event of needing it.
  • Could all children bring waterwith them to Hansfield ETSS as there are no sinks for water in the classrooms.
  • Can all 1st to 6th children try to be at the school hall by 8:30am to ensure the school roll is taken in a timely fashion and we can start loading onto the buses.

Those are just a couple of things to consider to make things easier for the children.

Thank you once again,

Kind regards

Tim Stapleton