Parent Teacher Meetings 2018

Dear Parents / Guardians,

In spite of the recent upheaval with our school building, I am delighted to confirm that the above meetings will go ahead as planned next week.

Of course, due to the fact that we only have access to the classrooms on our ground floor, the format of the Parent Teacher Meetings will have to change from previous years. This year, it will take on a format where there may be more than one teacher undertaking meetings in a given room at a given time. It is anticipated that these will take place at different ends of the room and sectioned off from each other as much as possible.

The reason we have not rearranged the meetings for later in the year, is that many parents & guardians had already arranged child care, time off from work and set a time and date with their child’s teacher. In addition, having these meetings earlier in the year gives parents and teachers an opportunity to discuss any areas for consideration as early as possible, so interventions can be put in place to support the children if possible.

In order to facilitate our meetings please note that the following format will take place:

  • Meetings will strictly be 10 minutes in length
  • The topics discussed by the Teacher’s will be a general overview of core subject progression and the child’s welfare in general.
  • If there are discussion points that require more than 10 minutes or of a sensitive nature, we would advise that you arrange a separate meeting with the Teacher outside of the Parent Teacher Meeting Schedule.

I just want to thank everyone in advance for their patience in adapting to the changes that have been forced upon us this year and further details of rooms for meetings etc. will follow shortly.

Kind regards

Tim Stapleton