Newsletter 29th November 2019

School Closure for Teacher Training As you will be aware from previous emails, the school will be closed this Monday 2nd December 2019 to facilitate teacher training for the New Language Curriculum.
Winter Assemblies The children and staff are working extremely hard at practicing for this year’s Winter Assemblies. Lots of great music can be heard around the school every day and we are all really excited for you to come to our assembly on 18th December. The format of the assembly will be as follows:

·  9:00am to 10:10am  – Junior and Senior Infants performance

·  10:20am to 12:20pm  – 1st, 2nd and 3rd Classes performance 

·  12:30pm to 2:20pm – 4th, 5th and 6th Classes performance

This will all take place in the school hall and all parents are welcome and we would love to see the same level of support we have had at recent assemblies. In addition, the Parents Association will also be helping out with food and refreshments on the day for a small donation, which once again will all go back into the school for the benefit of the children.

New Board of Management for 2019 – 2023 From December 1st, TETNS will have a new Board of Management in the school with the following members elected:


Chairperson & patron nominee – Sinead Webb

Patron nominee  – Hugh Murphy

Community Nominee  – Dave Smith

Community nominee – Conn Woolridge

Parent nominee – Prasanna Bandi

Parent nominee – Veronica Segerstrom

Teacher nominee – Jodie Canavan

Principal – Tim Stapleton


PTA – Movie Day (fundraiser for our school garden) Thank you for all the donations to on Movie Day. It was really well supported and all of the funds raised will be invested in our school garden.
Class Photographs Sample photographs will be sent home next week for parents to consider purchasing. If you would like to purchase any photographs please return with completed form and money, thank you.
Aladdin Connect We are delighted to report that a huge number of parents have downloaded the Aladdin App. We know lots of you have been editing information regarding your address, phone numbers etc. and we appreciate that. We have started to send notifications via the app (if you don’t have the app the messages have been sent to you by email) which has shown positive results so far. If you are experiencing any difficulties or cannot update information, please contact the office.
Resident Musician Our resident musician was in school this week and is at the early stages of teaching some children the violin.
Assembly Congratulations to all the classes who have won “Line of the Week” and “Class of the Week” since our last newsletter, you have been fantastic!
Resource Money Any parents who wish to pay the Resource money for the 2019 / 2020 academic school year please pay online or contact the school office.
Rainbows Rainbows Ireland is a free, listening, peer, group support service that provides support for children from the age of 7, after they have experienced a Parental Separation and or Bereavement. When significant change and loss happens in a family, the entire family can be affected including children. Children generally find it difficult to understand their feelings and often do not have the words to say how they feel. Rainbows provides group support for children of a similar age and loss experience. Meeting others in a similar situation can be very supportive for children. Rainbows is not a counselling group or professional therapy. Tyrrelstown ETNS provides this service to children attending our school. Staff at our school have undertaken the training to become a Rainbows Volunteer Facilitator. If you would like more information on the availing of this service please contact the school office.
Contact Details If any of your contact details have changed, particularly phone numbers, please notify the office as soon as possible. This is particularly important as we regularly have to contact parents at very short notice. We also need the names of people to contact in the case of emergency.