Live video calls from the school

Dear parents and guardians,

A lot of us are improving our IT skills especially when it comes to helping children with remote learning but it is a steep learning curve for most of us.

One of the things we have really enjoyed doing is facilitating online class assemblies where the children talk to their teacher and other children in their class. It is something that everyone involved gets a lot out of and it is great for the children to connect with their classmates and friends.

As with all things positive, there is also the potential for issues to arise and we want to safeguard against any potential impacts as much as reasonably possible. A couple of things we would appreciate your help and support with isif a teacher loses their internet signal during a class video call that you instruct your child to log out of the call until they hear from the teacher again via the Google Classroom program.

In addition, and I know it goes without saying but, recording any video call for any reason is not permitted and making the children aware of this is very important.

Hopefully, these situations will not occur however, it would be worthwhile having a chat with the children now just in case.

