Start of the school day

Dear Parents and Guardians,

It is great to see all of the children back in school today and we are delighted to see how happy they were at returning.

Whilst we are aware it was the first day back today for 3rd to 6th Classes and lots of children and parents were anxious to get to school on time, the volume of people that congregated outside of the school before 8:25am was concerning. There were far too many people waiting to enter the school and we have never had that volume waiting outside the door between August and December of last year. It is essential that the procedures for staggered entry and exit of the school building are followed like they were at the start of the school year. 

It is vital for everyone’s safety that you arrive to school at the allotted time based on the alphabetical order of your surname. That being:

1.       A,B,C,D,E               ->    8:25am

2.       F,G,H,I,J,K,L           ->    8:30am

3.       M,N,O,P,Q,R,        ->    8:35am

4.       S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z.     ->.   8:40am

We are asking for your support to follow these rules in an effort to keep transmission of Covid out of the school as much as we can. By everyone following these rules from August to December no class needed to isolate and we want to keep it that way if possible.

In addition, there was a lot of traffic in the school carpark this morning and it is a huge concern given the amount of children walking around campus. The carpark is for staff, school buses and those with authorised disabled parking spots. It is not a drop off zone for anyone else. You must find your own parking off campus and we are saying this for the safety of all children.

We hope we can get your support with all of the above as the procedures are their for the interest of the entire school community.

